Thank you to everyone who has supported our mission!

Amazement Square gratefully acknowledges all of the individuals, corporations, and foundations that have supported the Museum’s mission to motivate children and adults of all backgrounds and abilities toward greater creativity and understanding of themselves and the world through hands-on learning. This list represents supporters from January 2024 – December 2024.

Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnership provides an opportunity for businesses to give back to the community in which their employees live and work while receiving a marketing package and benefits for the company and employees.

Transformative Amazing Partner

The CLOROX Company

Amazing Corporate patron 

Foster Fuels

Corporate Patron

Bank of the James
BWX Technologies, Inc.
Framatome Inc.
Innovative Wireless Technologies, Inc.
Jamerson-Lewis Construction
Lynchburg Ready Mix Concrete Co., Inc.
Berglund Oak Ridge Toyota
Virginia 10 Miler

Amazing Corporate Sponsor

Lynchburg Baseball LLC
NB Handy
Pettyjohn, Wood, & White, Inc.

Education Programs or Event Sponsor

Campbell Insurance
Cobb Dermatology and Aesthetics
Coleman-Adams Construction, Inc.
Craft Collision Center, Inc.
Dodson Pest Control
Fleet Laboratories
Forest Dental Center
Impact Autism Services, LLC
Kiwanis Club of Lynchburg
Moore and Giles
Peery & Woolwine Family Dentistry
Randolph College
Rotary Club of Forest
Select Bank
Stewart Langley Properties, LLC
Terry Volkswagen
Your Look Salon

Program Donor

76 Gas Station
20Twenty LLC
Anything & More Store
Bass Sod Farm
Blue Ridge Color Company, Inc.
Ebony & Ivory Street Riders, Inc.
Genworth Foundation
McGrath & Sorrell
Nanny Rims and Games
Pampered Chef
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Super Kicks Karate
Tyree Plumbing, Inc.
Virginia Corvette Club
Westminster Canterbury
Wooldridge Heating & Air, Inc.

Lynchbug Annual Society

Thank you to the following individuals for their generous support of our annual fund in 2024.

+ $25,000+

Frances Giles
Kay and Kent Van Allen

+ $10,000 - $24,999

Teresa and Robert Brennan
Galeynn and Tom Capps
Jennifer and Watt Foster
Elizabeth and Michael Harrington
Mary Janes and Charles Pryor
Barb and Marc Schewel
Mort Sajadian
Martha and Paul Seufer
Diane and William Walker

+ $5,000 - $9,999

Laurie and David Black
Faye Ferguson
Crystal and Todd Irby
Pat Merryman
Sue Ott Rowlands
Laura and Darrell St. John
Amanda and Ian Smithson
Kim and Stephen Tibbs
Heather and George Zippel

+ $2,500 - $4,999

Anne and Garth Ainslie
Debbie and Scott Brabrand
Addie and Henry Clarke
Melissa Davenport
Gray and Tripp Duerson
Kasey and James Forehand
Janie and Thomas Hall
Ryan Russell and Hylan Hubbard
Ula and Alan Kauppi
Bill Litchford
Hoa and James Peery
Susan and Thomas Pettyjohn
Katie and Baird Taylor
Emily and Lynch Vranian
Jessica and Drake Watts
Elizabeth and Brinson White
Anne and Bunny Wood
Betsy and Richard Worthington

+ $1,000 - $2,499

Blair and Wilburn Absher
Olivia and Kyle Beavon
Carter and Richard Bendall
Mary and Stuart Brust
Amy Carrier
Stephanie and Mark Cox
Laura Beth and Andrew Davidson
Mary Byrd and Paul Denham
Cassidy and Matt DeWitt
Holly and Dan Frazier
Rachel and Ryan Gagen
Andrea and Jeremy Greenum
Paula and Daniel Grey
Beth and Tim Groover
Courtney and Ted Hunt
Kelly and Martin Knight
Carrisa Kregenow
Beverly and Jim McCloskey
Ellen and Tom Nygaard
Becky and Bobby O'Brian
Alexis Richards
Katie and Will Rohrig
Kate and Walker Sigler
Kim Soerensen
Sarah and Rick Sorenson
Mary and Robert Taylor
Elisa Calvo-Tone and Jacoben Tone

+ $500 - $999

Ellen and Lloyd Agnew
Katie and Kirk Baston
Meagan and Justin Bigham
Pam and Michael Bradford
Bettye and Al Chambers
Catherine and Bruce Cheatwood
Laura and Jesse Crumbley
Simms and Matt Deacon
Margaret Anne and Harry Eschenoeder
Amanda and Randy Feehan
Geralyn and Nathan Fortney
Kathy and Danny Givens
Anne and Clint Gowen
Shea and James Gravely
Chelsea and Tyler Harrison
Aileen and Bill Hull
Sarah and Charles Laverty
Catherine and Michael Madden
Jean and George Meeks
Elaine and Corey Passman
Matt Robenson
Elise and Michael Rose
Anne and David Royer
Kerry and Jose Silva
Ryan and Piper Somers
Laura and Thomas Stevens

+ $250 - $499

Betsy and George Beam
Shelley and Thomas Brennan
Randall Carter
Anna Klein and Brian Charnock
Melanie and Lynch Christian
Emily Cook
Eric Daley
Ann and Rodger Fauber
Libby and Paul Fitzgerald
Deirdra and Terry Flavin
Jodi and Michael Gillette
Btty Skeen and Hunter Gorinson
Anita and Jason Grandeo
Linda and John Grubba
Anna Hankins
Leah and Jess Herbers
Lindie Honsberger
Morgan Kreutz
Kristen and Richard Kuk
Lea and Andrew Larsen
Shirley Matthews
Hollyday and Aaron Marks
Hope and Eric Moffa
Jennifer Wills and Javaun Moradi
Kaija and Kirk Mortensen
Meghan and Gene Moss
Caitlin and Ryne O'Callaghan
Carrie Cobb and Chris Parandian
Emily and Zach Phillips
Dixon and Paul Piccagli
Becky and Greg Porter
Sherri and Peter Sackett
Alex and Nick Sayer
Kathy Terrell and Dave Spangler
Cynthia and Seyed Tabaian
Jessica and Jason Tanner
Kate and Stuart Tinsley
Ashley Rea and Jeremy Vaughan
Axi and Todd Wechter
Monica and Jeff Wiley

+ $100 - $249

Elizabeth Alford
Julie and Will Andrews
Paige and David Brandt
R. Edwin Burnette
Annie and Jeb Burton
Sara and Buck Burton
Justine and Christopher Button
Karen Campbell
Jeffrey Chenault
Tracy Coffing
Doris Coffing
Nancy and William Cook
Margaret and Spencer Cosgrove
Emily Anne and Davis Dawson
Paula and Dennis Dexter
Elizabeth and Gary Dop
Lindsey and Tyson Dummeldinger
Catherine and Dave Ferguson
Sam and Clayton Forren
Patricia and Cholly Fox
Caroline and Caleb Fuller
Charles Gibson
Heather and Kyle Hahn
Sophie and Thacher Jennings
Stephanie and John Keener
Tina and Skip Kughn
Kris and Matthew Lloyd
Alison and Christopher Long
Cindy Lyons
Erin and Mac McWane
Norman Moon
Amy and Billy Morris
Libby and Carter Nelligan
Westray and Shep Nowlin
Lauren and Brian Ross
Alison and Chris Roussell
Hilary and Carter Shields
Jennifer and Shep Sittason
Caroline and Shea Thomas
Keeley and Craig Tuggle
Jessica and Peter Ward
Carmen and Keith Wright
Kathryn and Ryan Yarzebinski

+ Up to $99

Melissa Adams
Nathan Albert
Oliver Alger
Cami Anderson
Nicole Andrews
Morgan Arrington
Paula Attix
Louella Ayers
Eugenia Bailey-Campbell
Patricia Balbalian
Jodie Barker
Rachel Baron
Carolyn Beckham
Don Belsterling
Megan Boswell
Rachel Boyd
Lauren Brown
Tyler Bullock
Victoria Camara
Evan Camilleri
Karli Carter
Marcy Catalano
Sarah Child
Amanda Childs
Elizabeth Chow
Veronica Coats
Holly A Cofer
Ashlee Conklin
Ryne Conley
Michael Coulter
Kristian Cox
Paula Creekmore
Rylie Culkin
Mary Jane Dailey
Christy Davis
Beau Davis
Julie Demetree
Andrew Deppensmith
Kristen Deramo
Madison Dickman
Jennifer Douglas
Lindsey Dykeman
Stephanie and Patrick Earl
Marcy East
Pamela Easterbook
Olivia Fletcher
Spenser Foley
Mary Formo
Christin Fox
Cheryl Fox
Sarah Fredrich
Sarah Fuentes
John Gabel
Hannah Ghent
Anne and Dean Gianakos
Shannon Gilbert
Jack Girts
Lisa Gravely
Rebecca Gutknecht
Erin Hall
Brittany Hall
Alex Hamilton
Jannie Handy
Tara Hash
David Hayes
Terry Heiligenstadt
Elizabeth Herron
Jessica Hinkle
Danielle Holstein
Tommy Hudson
Kadie Hunt
Sarah Hyska
Terry Jamerson
Odyn James
Jackie Jones
Liz Kettinger
Eric Klinger
Brooksie Kramer
Stephanie Landis
Stacey Larkin
Brittany Layne
Mike Lee
Hannah Lee
Ken Lewis
Roger Louthain
Richard Loving
Jamie Lugo
Jessica Luke
Kelsey Mabes
Whitney Madison
Susan Malcolm
Tara Mancl
Bethany Marsh
Meggan Martin
Emily Mascher
Breauna McClure
Lia Melder
Kara Mezzano
Bethany Millner
Brittany Minard
Meredith Molstre
Dwayne Moore
Tara Morgan
Jacob Moyer
Sarah Mullins
David Musselman
Brian Myers
Heather Newman-Hendrickson
Dana Lee Nicholas
Kensley Nichols
Dorothy Novak
Ashley Nute
Betty Ogden
Janel Parker
Purav Patel
Kimberly Paumen
Renee Pearison
Mindy Pendergast
Mary Petersen
Courtney Peterson
Beverlee Price
Madeline Pyle
Victoria Ramsey
Jennifer Redmond
Mary Regner
Kevin Richard
Justin Rizer
Kendrick Rose
Nicole Scanlon-Rowlett
Nicholas Ryan
Alyssa Schofield
Catherine Schuller
Caitlin Seaman
Adalynn Settje
Amy Sharp
Robert Sitton
Sarah Sojka
Brandon Sopkiw
John Sullivan
Tram-Anh Swaim
Scott Sweatman
Gabrielle Szabo
Jeff Tindall
Krystal Torres
Rachel Trautman
David Treccariche
Ashlynn Turner
Wesley Turner
Bobby Vause
Brianna Walker
Nadine Waller
Deborah Watkins
Patty Webb
Lauren Weber
Lisa Werner
Bev White
Brandi White
Constance Williams
Ashley Witherington
Skip Wolford
Caroline Wray
Claira Wyand
Kristyn Young
Frances Ziegler
Caroline Wray
Claira Wyand
Kristyn Young

Gifts IN Honor OF

Carl Calandra
Charles Nowlin
Antoinette and James A. Piggott
Frances J. Giles
Kent Van Allen
Robert B. Taylor
Robert Bradley
June Britt
Mary Jane and Charles Pryor
The Tharp Family
Diane and William Walker

Gifts IN memory OF

Rosellen and David Frey
Rudy Coffing
Tyler Walker

2024 Foundations, Granting Agencies, and Other Organizations

Thank you to the following organizations and foundations for their most generous support of the museum's myriad programs and initiatives in 2024.

+ $50,000 - $100,000

Institute of Museum and Library Servies
Puzzled Car Show and Foundation

+ $20,000 - $50,000

The Al Stroobants Foundation
Easley Charitable Trust

+ $10,000 + $19,999

Centra Health
James River Arts and Cultural District
Pacific Life Foundation
Schewel Charitable Trust
The Helene S. and Charles G. Patterson Charitable Trust
Truist Foundation

+ $5,000 + $9,999

Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation
Lynchburg Regional Airport
Mustaches 4 Kids

+ $1,000 + $4,999

Captrust Community Foundation, Inc.
The Minnie and Bernard Lane Foundation